Some of you may recall the adventure that Kevin and I took to Washington. We had a lot of fun posting pictures of all the things that happened during that trip. Going along with the "adventure" theme....we have decided to keep a blog of our adventures from here on out....

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Family Visits.....

Kevin is truly blessed to have an amazing family.  We had some visit today:

 Kevin with his niece Autumn
Kevin with his tape headband....rockin it out...LOL
      popped off.....what a character...

 Dawn, Kevin and Brent (Kevin's Brother and Sister-in-Law)

 Andrea, Kevin and Autumn (Kevins little sister and niece)

 They have so much fun together...

Autumn is giving Kevin the bunny ears...LOL  

What a great family!!

Get the Blood Flowing.....

So it begins......they have now turned Kevin into a Vampire...this give new meaning to the term "Team Kevin" that my co-workers came up so funny.  "Team Kevin" was established by my co-workers months ago in an effort to let me know I should date Kevin.....he is well liked at my office (and everywhere else...who wouldn't adore him...he is the best!) now we are on this adventure and Team Kevin is going to rally to fight the cancer.

We have been amazed by the out pour of love and support from family and friends......I truly appreciate all that Kevins family has done, not only for Kevin...but for me.  Either taking me to eat something or encouraging me to just get out.....I feel so much love from all of them.  They are truly a strong family and it is easy to see why Kevin is such a great man.

Speaking of family and friends.  Kevin's brother Brent has spent many days in the hospital with us....he is a great source of support as are Kevin's Parents, and his children Emily and Justin.  Kevin is also looking forward to his sister Andrea coming for a visit any time now.  I also want to mention that his sisters, Shauna and Jen, call and are always getting Kevin to laugh....I love to see him this is ALWAYS a great thing.  He has also had a lot of friends stop by to see of Kevin's friend and co-worker, Andy Saal, came by for a visit...he is headed out to Los Angelos and wanted to check in on Kevin before he left.

 Andy Saal....what a fun Friend!!

Andy Helping Kevin get into the Halloween Spirit.

Kevin gets to dress up for Halloween

Good Morning All....

Kevin got little or no sleep last night....lot's of pain....and we just found out that his blood levels are down (Iron) to a now he needs a blood transfusion.  So, he will get 2 units of blood now and they have 2 more on reserve.  Unfortunately, it is from a blood bank and not a family member.....but we have been assured that this is a safe procedure.  We are still hopeful that he will be going home tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest....but only time will tell. 

I can only imagine what Kevin is going through and I certainly can't speak for him....but for me...this is an agonizing process of not know what is happening....I am scared, tired, missing my children more than anyone can imagine and I am wishing we could all go home and that someone could just make this all go away.....I try not to think about why this is happening....but I guess that is just human nature.  I find it funny that we are laughing together one minute and crying the next.....our emotions are all over the place (as to be expected). 

One of the hardest things is how Kevin is sometimes treated by some of the nurses.....he told me at 2:00 in the morning that he wanted to wear a hat that said, "My name is Kevin and I am a PERSON"......I do have to remind myself that nurses are human and sometimes it is just as difficult for them to treat a sick patient, especially one with CANCER, as it is to be the patient.....I think sometimes for them...they don't know what to say...and the only thing they can do it treat the patient....and NOT let their emotions get to them....having said that....I just wish they would take a deep breath and understand that Kevin is a not belittle him or talk down to some point we will share why we feel this way and more of our experiences.

Popeye Arm.....

Kevin's IV malfunctioned and his arm swelled up making it look like he had a Popeye arm.  I can't believe how big it is....the pictures don't do it justice.....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kevin....being funny...

Kevin trying to put his Oxygen back on...he usually misses...LOL

 Just wanted everyone that is far away to see Kevin....

Another night.....

 Kevin is getting poked AGAIN....ugh...

It took them a while to take get the IV in....he is having a rough time...

 Kevin's back he thought this would help.....

Here we go again...another night in the can see by the pictures that Kevin is in good spirits...although there are moments it overwhelms us both...but we will be just fine.  We got word from the doctor tonight that Kevin is VERY anemic and if his iron levels don't improve, he will have to have a blood transfusion.  We are hopeful that tomorrows test results will work in his favor and he will be well.  Just one more thing we need to watch out for.....we also found out that he is a bacterial infection and was immediately started on an antibiotic.....we are hopeful that the antibiotics will take care of this problem in good time. 

Finally Access to the Computer....

Problems with the computer power we bought a new cord (thank you for going and getting it Brianna and Justin)...we are now back.

Yesterday was a rough day....Kevin wanted to get up and around but was limited in movement because of some of the tubes....we requested the removal of a tube so he could get around and unfortunately it took nurses about 6 hours to make it happen....but it was done and he got to take a walk....

Last night was rough.....discomfort....alarms going off (oxygen was low)....and one hungry man....but he made it through.... looks as if treatment is going to be life long for Kevin....he will always be battling cancer; however, I just want to say...we will beat this, there is NO doubt in my mind!!!!  We will have a long happy life together.  He will start his treatment in about three weeks or so....what that ends up being we are not a 100% about what lies we find out...we will share.  I know that many of you have emailed, texted, and called....I apologize that we haven't contacted you thus far...but we are working on that...we truly appreciate all your love and support...I just can't say it enough...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hoping that sleep will come....

I have read of others experiences in situations like this; however, I never imagined that I would find myself watching someone I love going through this.....Kevin has been trying to get rest but sleep won't come...the pain and discomfort from surgery is taking its toll.  He will grimace in pain one moment and then be asleep from exhaustion the next....minutes later the cycle starts again....a continuous loop of pain and minutes of sleep.  The doctors are working hard to try and find a medication or combination that will bring relief and may have found success with a combination that might finally start to work...time will tell.

It is difficult to watch a loved one go through this...but I know he is strong...I know we will get through this.....please know how grateful we are for all your love and are all so important to us and we appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.

Post Surgery Update.....

Kevin's Surgery went well and they were able to get most of the tumor out; however, they did find other tumors throughout his abdomen.  We now know what type of cancer we are dealing with and expect to go over treatment options with the Oncologist tomorrow.  We will let you know as soon as possible what we learn.

Thanks for all your love and support.

Surgery Day.....

Well, the time is drawing near to have this mass, which we have named Jabba.  It will be nice to have the surgery behind us....hopefully we will hear BEFORE surgery what type of cancer it is and what type of treatment we are looking at....
On a more humorous side.....we took some pictures last night and thought we would share them.....

 My Sweetheart....Kev
Kevin and I being silly.....

 Kevin took this picture of the clock and board.....
The clock so everyone would know that I finally feel asleep
and the board so everyone would see that what I wrote....
Kevin took pictures of me sleeping to show everyone that
I really am getting rest......see clock above

  Kevin....trying to sleep...

 Kevin is finally fell asleep..
 Us trying to be our own photographer...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Met with the doctor this afternoon.....the biopsy yesterday confirmed that he has cancer; however, it isn't Lymphoma as they first thought and we won't know what type of cancer it is until tomorrow or the next day.  At that point we will know the treatment options.  In the meantime, Kevin will have surgery tomorrow at noon and they will remove the mass.  For now he is comfortable (although he is still in pain) good spirits....and is surrounded by love.

More information to follow.....thank you for all your love and support!!

And the Adventure Begins......

 This is Kevin being silly after they gave him some great meds...
right before surgery....he really wasn't loopy....he just wanted to make me laugh....
Kevin and I right before he went into surgery....

Kevin the day after surgery....he looks so much better....
Kevin is feeling a little better today....
still fighting a fever and in extreme pain...
but it seems as if the pain meds are finally starting to do their job.